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Saturday 14 May 2011

Make Your Own Alarm Clock

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Hi friends,
Today I am here to give you all the process of making an alarm clock.
 Many of us would feel the need to have an on screen alarm clock to
 remind us of our important tasks. You can add any tasks like opening
a browser or maybe your HDD [e.g.: C:]. So, today I am posting about 
making you own alarm clock. This would be very useful as you do 
not need install any softwares. 

This is very easy to make since I have provided you with the coding. 
  • Copy the text given below in the scrollbox.
  • Make a new Text file by clicking on Start >
     All Programs > Accessories > Notepad.
  • Paste the entire code in the new text document.
  • Click on File > Save As > Change "Save As Type" 
    to "All Files".
  • Give the file name Hit The Alarm.bat
    [N.B.: Do not forget to give the extension as .bat]
  • Click on Save.
  • Now double-click to Play the game. 

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

::This variable dictates whether there is a pause between each time check, having this variable set to 1 will reduce the cpu usage of this hugely, by using ping.exe to pause between each check. If you need to use ping.exe whilst running this program, set this to 0. Otherwise set it to 1.
set timeCheckDelay=1

if "%1"=="" (
call :function_recieveArguments
if "!background!"=="1" (
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%0") do set filePath=%%~sI
call :function_startBackgroundRun
echo Alarm set for !alarmTime!. Running in BACKGROUND mode.
echo You can now close this window.
) else (
title !alarmTime! - Batch Alarm Clock
echo Alarm set for !alarmTime!. To cancel the alarm, close this window.
call :function_alarmWait
) else (

::Find the path of this file, so the program can start itself.
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%0") do set filePath=%%~sI

::Collect all the arguments together, for processing in the next fucntion.
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%*") do set argumentString=%%I

call :function_processArguments

::Executes the final command set by the user.

exit /b


for /f "delims= " %%I in ("!argumentString!") do set alarmTime=%%I

::Check the time is valid.
set passCheck=0
call :function_checkTimeValididty
if NOT %passCheck%==1 (
call :function_syntaxError
exit /b

::Remove the first argument from argumentString; the time.
for /f "tokens=1* delims= " %%I in ("!argumentString!") do set argumentString=%%J

::If /b is specified, set backGround=1 and remove this from argumentString.
for /f "tokens=1* delims= " %%I in ("!argumentString!") do if "%%I"=="/b" (
set background=1
set argumentString=%%J
) else (
set background=0

::Now all that's left in argumentString is the final command set by the user.

for /f "delims=" %%I in ("!argumentString!") do set finishCommand=%%I

if %background%==0 (
title !alarmTime! - ScrewTheLotOfYou's Batch Alarm Clock
echo Alarm set for !alarmTime!. To cancel the alarm, close this window.
call :function_alarmWait
exit /b
::Puts the ^ characters back in where they are needed and have been lost.
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%finishCommand:^=^^%") do set finishCommand=%%I
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%finishCommand:>=^>%") do set finishCommand=%%I
for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%finishCommand:<=^<%") do set finishCommand=%%I for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%finishCommand:|=^|%") do set finishCommand=%%I for /f "delims=" %%I in ("%finishCommand:&=^&%") do set finishCommand=%%I call :function_startBackgroundRun exit /b :function_startBackgroundRun ::Creates a temporary .vbs file, to facilitate background execution. for /f "delims=" %%J in ("CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "" & WScript.Arguments(0) & "", 0, False") do echo %%~J > %temp%\vbAlarm.tmp

::Start the .vbs, which starts this program in the background, passing the original arguments excluding "/b".
Wscript.exe //e:vbscript "%temp%\vbAlarm.tmp" "!filePath! !alarmTime! !finishCommand!"

::Delete the temporary .vbs file. End the program without performing the finalCommand, it will be executed by the background version.
del %temp%\vbAlarm.tmp
set finishCommand=
exit /b


::This function is called if the user didn't pass arguments to the program.

echo ScrewTheLotOfYou's Batch Alarm Clock
echo ------------------------------------
echo Syntax: AlarmClock HH:MM [/b] [Command]
echo. HH:MM - The time for the alarm to go off.
echo. /b - Makes the program run in BACKGROUND mode, no window is visible.
echo. (The program runs in VISIBLE mode by default.)
echo. Command - The program or command to execute on alarm.
echo. NOTE: If you want to use special characters (such as ^> and ^&), you MUST
echo. write a ^^ before each character. For example: ECHO Test ^^^> Test.txt
:://Set the alarm time.
set /p alarmTime= Enter the alarm time (HH:MM) -

set passCheck=0
call :function_checkTimeValididty
if NOT %passCheck%==1 (
goto enterAlarmTime
set /p checkBackground="Run the program in BACKGROUND mode? [Y/N] - "
if /i "%checkBackground%"=="Y" (
set background=1
if /i "%checkBackground%"=="N" (
set background=0
if NOT defined background goto checkBackground

:://Set the command to perform on alarm.
:://No checks on this.
set /p finishCommand=Enter the command that should be executed on alarm -

::Removes the ^ characters. They must be kept in on a background run to pass the arguments properly.
if "%backGround%"=="0" (
set finishCommand=%finishCommand%
exit /b

:://Check that the time entered is valid. If it is valid, goto enterCommandToExecute.
set alarmTime=%alarmTime: =%
if "%alarmTime:~0,5%"=="%alarmTime%" (
if "%alarmTime:~0,1%" leq "2" (
if "%alarmTime:~0,2%" leq "23" (
if "%alarmTime:~1,1%" leq "9" (
if "%alarmTime:~2,1%"==":" (
if "%alarmTime:~3,1%" leq "5" (
if "%alarmTime:~4,1%" leq "9" (
if "%alarmTime:~0,1%" geq "0" (
if "%alarmTime:~1,1%" geq "0" (
if "%alarmTime:~3,1%" geq "0" (
if "%alarmTime:~4,1%" geq "0" (
set passCheck=1
exit /b
exit /b

::This function check the time to see if it matches the alarm time. If not, PINGs the set number of times, then tests again. If so, ends.

if %time:~0,5%==%alarmTime% (
exit /b
for /L %%I in (1,1,%timeCheckDelay%) do (
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto function_alarmWait

echo ERROR: The time you entered is invalid and the program cannot continue.
echo Press any key to exit.
set finishCommand=
exit /b
Thank You for Visiting. Came back for more.
Enjoy ..!! 

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